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Develop Your Own Multimedia Application!
Alexis Aronis
Develop Your Own Multimedia Application!
2266 views - Posted on Dec 6, 2015 at 0:58

The book refers to the creation of Video Projects with Camtasia Studio and Power Point. The material is based on Real-World Scenarios and Worked-Out Examples. The Readers/Users of the book learn how to create Better, Easier, and at No Cost flash Video Applications (Web Apps). The book is suitable for Active Learning-by-Doing, and constitutes a Practical Guide for Educators, Teachers, Instructors, and Trainers. Also, the book is a Step-by-Step Handbook for Learners and Students.
How can we create interactive multimedia video applications in Flash format? The book clearly presents the steps that need to be followed by a user who knows (at least) the basic skills in the handling of a personal computer to design and to develop an interactive multimedia application. It constitutes a practical guide (step by step handbook), that helps create video software in Flash format that incorporates multimedia elements and works on Windows & Mac as a desktop application or a web app.