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Make Your Book: The Author’s and Writer’s Workbook Based on Bestsellers
Alexis Aronis
Make Your Book: The Author’s and Writer’s Workbook Based on Bestsellers
2309 views - Posted on Oct 30, 2016 at 18:10

This book is printed in FULL COLOR / HIGH QUALITY on White Paper. It contains over 330 colored FIGURES and ILLUSTRATIONS (images, photos, diagrams and other Design Elements).

Do You Want Your Book to be a Bestseller?
Whether you are making your first book, or simply making another new book, Make Your Book - The Authors, Writers Workbook Based on Bestsellers is your key to creating your ideal book. Indeed, it is true that the content of a book is KING. It is also true that the appearance of a book is Queen. One objective of this book is research into the factors with the greatest impact on the relationship between King and Queen.

Another important feature of the book is the step-by-step approach that describes the design process so that the book will look good simultaneously as a paperback edition and electronic edition.

Make Your Book presents an action blueprint that simply and comprehensively presents the steps that writers need to follow when making their book using Createspace templates and Microsoft Word. It is a practical manual based on RESEARCH OF BESTSELLERS to assist the Author/Writer.