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Self-Maid: Clean Up Inner Clutter, Overcome an Average Life and Discover Unlimited Abundance (By a Maid Who Made It Happen)
Jessica Connor, Ph.D.
Self-Maid: Clean Up Inner Clutter, Overcome an Average Life and Discover Unlimited Abundance (By a Maid Who Made It Happen)
1995 views - Posted on Jan 27, 2016 at 11:05

#1 Best Seller on Kindle - New Release
You would think family addiction, abuse, homelessness, teenage pregnancy, crippling anxiety and financial struggle would be enough to put a woman in her grave. As a single mother cluttered with a messy adolescence, the author had plenty of adventure; still, it wasn't the kind she wanted. Internal disarray revealed itself as chaotic outward circumstances, including a career cleaning homes and a head just above water. Craving an existence infused with quality, she determined to robe herself in armor and face weaknesses head-on. Now a maid-turned-doctor, she easily demonstrates how to obtain abundance through a firsthand account of a miserable life altered into magical livelihood. Having one foot on the humble "school of hard knocks" side of the fence, and the other firmly planted on the professional, scientific and spiritual side, she compassionately comes alongside the reader to empower a remarkable existence.