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Frozen Path: Children of the Zodiac Book 1
Steven Mouland
Frozen Path: Children of the Zodiac Book 1
2402 views - Posted on Aug 30, 2015 at 12:05

Frozen Path:
Book 1 of the Children of the Zodiac series:

"When there is darkness and fear in the heart of man, he can be easily swayed, giving power to the forces of evil."

Arteriea has always known evil. But lately a new breed of monster is emerging from the shadows, hell-bent on wreaking havoc and targeting the Children of the Zodiac, young men and women who are destined to wield the power of the signs. There are also those who will do whatever it takes to control the Children of the Zodiac and convince them to use their power for evil.

Drawn away from their homes in search of a more meaningful life, those chosen as avatars for the Zodiac know not what their destiny will bring. Shy and kind-hearted Elementalist Jeremisias Mystal is plagued by nightmares about two different women. Caitlan Heightfire, the lady of the manor, fights against her position as a pawn in her father’s play for power. And Andromika Delarus is left to rule over her father’s people even as he sets out to destroy those he is supposed to protect.

Will they know who to trust? And — more importantly — will they be able to trust themselves enough to wield the power of the Zodiac for good?