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Best Ebooks Blog Page

A dozen screenplays have been selected for the program, sponsored by New York Women in Film and Television and IRIS.
Twelve projects have been selected to participate in The Writers Lab, produced by New York Women in Film and Television and IRIS, an organization that promotes female voices in fictional film.

Meryl Streep and Oprah Winfrey fund the program, entering its third year, which bills itself as the only lab in the world devoted to providing script development for women writers over the age of 40. It is produced in collaboration with the Writers Guild of America, East.

Mentors who have been confirmed for the lab, slated to run Sept. 14-17, include producers Susan Cartsonis (What Women Want and Where the Heart Is), Lisa Cortes (Precious, Shadowboxer) and Caroline Kaplan (Time Out of Mind, Letters to Juliet); writer Amy Fox (Equity); and Disney/Pixar consultant Pat Verducci. Producer Alexis Alexanian (Pieces of April) will head up the roster of special guests.

The Writers Lab will take place in the Connecticut River Valley, where the mentors and writers will meet for panel discussions as well as one-on-one discussions to develop and refine their here